As someone who loves sharing money-saving tips for days out, I wanted to share one of my favourites with you. Did you know that Blue Peter badge holders can visit over 200 places in the UK for FREE? It’s true!
To obtain a Badge Card, children need to be aged between 5-16 years old. There are nine badges you can earn, and this link will show you the list of all the Blue Peter badges you can apply for. Please note that the application process for each badge is different.
My daughter applied for the Blue Badge and submitted an art piece. Blue badges are given for sending in captivating letters, stories, creations, pictures, poems, innovative ideas for the program, and for making appearances on Blue Peter.
Unfortunately, we had to resend the application because I accidentally omitted her full name, date of birth and our home postal address. It’s essential to include these details to avoid wasting a stamp. This happened back in 2022, so I can’t recall exactly how long it took, but she eventually received a letter below along with her Blue Peter badge with instructions on how to obtain the card.

I simply followed the instructions provided in the letter, and a few weeks later, the card arrived. All we had to do was attach a photo, and it was ready to use. The card remains valid until her 16th birthday, providing ample time for numerous free-entry adventures.

Now, you’ll need to use this link to check the individual attractions and their terms on how to use the card. For example, at Howletts, to gain free entry, badge holders with a valid badge card must be accompanied by a full-paying or concessionary adult. If a paying adult is accompanied by two children with badges and valid badge cards, free entry will be given for both children. However, for London Zoo, it says to gain free entry, each child must have a badge and valid badge card and be accompanied by a full-paying adult.
Regardless, this is a great way to have fun days out with your family and save money. Your kids will also have a sense of achievement, and they can even continue collecting Blue Peter badges.