Le Petit Chef London REVIEW: Is It Worth the Hype?

Le Petit Chef – London: Is It Worth the Money?
Short answer: No!

Le Petit Chef is touted as “the smallest chef in the world” and promises a sophisticated 3D cinema experience directly on your plate, paired with excellent gastronomy.

While we did have a brilliant time, the experience essentially boils down to watching projections on a plate. Admittedly, the projections are very cool, but the hefty price doesn’t feel justified. Some dishes were lovely, but others fell short, and all portions were quite small, leaving us unsatisfied.

During the meal, there was a singer performing at intervals. Though he sounded good, his presence felt unnecessary.

You can choose from four different menus (Premium, Classic, Vegetarian, and Junior). The projections remain the same across all menus, which are based on the Classic menu. While this is understandable, as it would be impractical to have different projections for different plates, it does detract from the magic a bit.

The menu changes frequently, so your experience might differ from what’s pictured here.

Prices start at £109 for adults and £49 for kids, excluding a 12.5% service charge. It’s quite pricey. If you’re not a picky eater and looking for a unique activity with your children, you might enjoy it. However, I recommend checking their current menu and deciding what’s best for you and your family.

See more on our TikTok.

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